Fast Track Concept in Colorectal Surgery in a Regional Hospital Setting
J. Holák
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení nemocnice Strakonice, prim. : MUDr. J. Hlad
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2009, roč. 88, č. 9, s. 524-526.
Monothematic special - Original
Fast Track Concept is a draft of shorter and less stressful preoperative set up of patient, considerate operation technique and painless recovery with early start of enteral alimentation.
This work presents Fast Track Concept and its possibilities in colorectal surgery.
We have treated 108 patients with this method on our workplace from April 2005 till August 2007. All of them underwent mostly elective resection of colon.
Fast Track Concept in colorectal surgery is according to our opinion easy practicable even in conditions of smaller hospital and we assume, as well as literature says, that it is a benefit for the patient.
Key words:
Fast Track Concept – early enteral alimentation – colorectal surgery
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Perspectives in Surgery

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