Procedure on Low Extremities Varicose Veins Using the VNUS-Closure® Radiofrequency Ablation Method
J. Kliment; J. Fanta
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgické oddělení Oblastní nemocnice Příbram, a. s., přednosta: prim. doc. MUDr. Jan Fanta, DrSc.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2009, roč. 88, č. 9, s. 536-539.
Monothematic special - Original
From 01-06-2007 to 31-12-2008, the authors operated 334 patients with low extremities varicose veins, using the VNUS-Closure® radiofrequency apparatus, in the surgical department of Příbram regional hospital (Oblastní nemocnice v Příbrami, a.s.). Their first experience is very positive, the method is very elegant, safe and miniinvasive. The mean duration of the procedure on a single lower extremity was 29 minutes, the mean duration of hospitalization was one day. Relapses were recorded in 3 patients in the operated area (0.9%), however, in all the subjects, the relaps affected a side venous branch, never the main branch. The relapses were managed with subsequent sclerotization. The method was patient- friendly, reliable and resulted in early return to work, was little painful and had favourable cosmetic outcomes. These were the factors, which made the patients choose the VNUS-Closure® endoluminal radiofrequency method.
Key words:
low extremities varicose veins – radiofrequency ablation – VNUS-Closure®
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