Komplikace hojení ran u kuřáků
F. L. Alradhi; P. Trojanová; D. Hrubá
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav preventivního lékařství, Lékařská fakulta MU, přednostka prof. MUDr. Z. Derflerová-Brázdová, DrSc.
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2010, roč. 89, č. 5, s. 282-287.
Monothematic special - Original
Smoking iniciates many different harmful effects on human health, including the wound healing complications. This statement is supported both by many epidemiological studies and by understanding of nicotine and other chemicals in cigarette smoke mechanisms of action. Smoking cessation can lower rates of postoperative complications and increase the chance of long-term abstinence. Thus preoperative anti-smoking intervention is an important part of the surgical treatment.
Key words:
smoking – wound healing – epidemiologic studies – mechanismus of action – smoking cessation
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