First Czech and Slovak Domino Liver Transplantation
M. Oliverius 1; F. Hampl 2; M. Adamec 1; L. Skladaný 3; P. Špalek 4; V. Gábriš 5; P. Trunečka 6; P. Kothaj 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Klinika transplantační chirurgie IKEM, Praha, Česká republika
1; Chirurgická klinika FNsP F. D. Roosevelta, Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
2; Interní klinika FNsP F. D. Roosevelta, Banská Bystrica, Slovensko
3; Centrum pre neuromuskulárne ochorenia, NK SZU, UN Bratislava-Ružinov
4; Pracoviště klinické a transplantační patologie IKEM, Praha, Česká republika
5; Transplantcentrum IKEM, Praha
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2011, roč. 90, č. 2, s. 122-126.
Monothematic special - Original
The study introduces the first international, Czech and Slovak Domino Transplantation performed based on a tight cooperation between the Czech and Slovak transplant centres.
Material and methods:
The donor of the cadaveric graft was a young Slovak man with Familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy. The livers of these patients are the predominant source of circulating transthyretin, and liver transplantation is the only treatment available for the disease. The graft was obtained from heart beating deceased donor with brain death. The domino graft was then transplanted to Czech sixty-three years old man with hepatocellular carcinoma and liver cirrhosis based on HCV.
Both recipients had an uneventful immediate postoperative course with early graft function. The Czech patient faced early HCV recurrence in a graft which necessitated the reduction of immunosuppressives.
The domino liver transplantation represents a suitable way for addressing graft shortage and reducing waiting list time. A well-organized cooperation between the two international centres is required to complete successful domino transplantation.
Key words:
familiar amyloid polyneuropathy – amyloid – domino transplantation – liver transplantation – hepatocellular carcinoma – hepatitis C – surgical technique – immunosupression
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