Surgical site infections after degenerative lumbar spine surgery
P. Snopko; B. Kolarovszki; R. Opšenák; M. Hanko; R. Richterová
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurochirurgická klinika, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2018, roč. 97, č. 12, s. 539-545.
Degenerative lumbar spine disease is nowadays considered as a serious health condition, because the number of patients requiring a surgical intervention is in last decades rapidly increasing. At the time of surgery indication, it is important to assess the risk of complications incidence, especially surgical ones, because when they occur, they usually lead to reoperation, prolonged hospitalisation and drug use, economic consequences and a compromised postoperative outcome and benefits. Postoperative infectious complications may occur, even after following aseptic and hygienic − epidemiological rules. This article contains an interdisciplinary review of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of postoperative surgical site infections after degenerative lumbar spine surgery.
Key words:
postoperative complications − lumbar spine − surgical treatmens - spondylodiscitis
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