Delirious conditions in surgical ICU – case report

Authors: J. Fulík 1;  P. Horák 1;  I. Picmausová 2;  J. Böhmová 1;  R. Vobořil 1
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgická klinika 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka, Praha 1;  Oddělení hygieny a epidemiologie Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka, Praha 2
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2021, roč. 100, č. 10, s. 497-501.
Category: Case Report
doi: https://doi.org/10.33699/PIS.2021.100.10.497–501


Delirious conditions are encountered in daily practice in the surgical ward, especially in intensive care units (ICUs). An ordinary surgeon must deal with these conditions very often. The case report of a patient with alcoholic delirium is presented. For a comprehensive view of the issue, we present a simple communication on delirious situations in the ICU. Deliria are classified according to their manifestations, and their etiology is briefly described. For practice, an outline of examinations and treatments is provided which is fundamentally different for alcoholic and nonalcoholic delirium.


intensive care – delirium – alcoholic delirium


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Surgery Orthopaedics Trauma surgery
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