Peritoneal surface malignancy spread − reoperations after cytoreductive surgery + HIPEC
F. Antoš; P. Bartoška; R. Vobořil
Authors‘ workplace:
Subkatedra koloproktologie, Institut postgraduálního vzdělávání ve zdravotnictví Praha
; Chirurgická klinika 1. lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy a Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka, Praha
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2021, roč. 100, č. 10, s. 469-474.
Introduction: Peritoneal malignancies (PM) are observed in about 10−30% of patients suffering from gastrointestinal malignant diseases, both in connection with the primary surgical management or as metachronous metastases due to cancer recurrence.
Methods: In the 1980s a new method of cytoreductive surgery (CRS) + HIPEC (hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) was introduced. Today, we consider this method to be the gold standard for treatment of pseudomyxoma peritonei and peritoneal mesothelioma. The method increases overall survival (OS) of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer, primary peritoneal and ovarian cancers. However, the disease recurs after this demanding treatment in the certain group of patients, approximately in 25−44% of patients treated for pseudomyxoma peritonei, and in 40% and up to 82% of those treated for mesothelioma and colorectal cancer, respectively. Based on literary data (PubMed-Medline, last 5 years) and our own experience we present the basic factors associated with tumor recurrence, possibility of treatment using repeated CRS + HIPEC, data regarding second-look operations, and as applicable, prophylactic HIPEC.
Conclusion: The method CRS + HIPEC provides an effective treatment of peritoneal carcinomatosis even in cases of recurrence. The second-look operations and prophylactic HIPEC may favorably affect the prognosis after primary R0 resections.
peritoneal carcinomatosis − cytoreductive surgery – HIPEC − recurrence after CRS − second-look operations
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