Laparoscopic versus open elective right hemicolectomy with curative intent for colon adenocarcinoma
K. Lovay; J. Barla; J. Vaško; A. Lendel; M. Rákoš
Authors‘ workplace:
Oddelenie chirurgie, Fakultná nemocnica s poliklinikou J. A. Reimana, Prešov
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2021, roč. 100, č. 12, s. 584-591.
Original articles
(retrospective study)
Introduction: Even today, at a time of full development of laparoscopy, a comparison with classical open surgery is important. The aim of the study was to compare retrospectively short-term perioperative and early postoperative outcomes between laparoscopic (LRH) and open (ORH) right hemicolectomy in the colorectal cancer treatment.
Methods: A retrospective analysis followed 57 patients, regardless of age or gender, who underwent elective right-sided hemicolectomy due to the right colon adenocarcinoma over a period of 2 years. The study compares the laparoscopic and classical methods based on perioperative and early postoperative results.
Results: In almost none of the monitored data we found a statistically significant difference between LRH and ORH. The length of the operation was 128min at ORH, 150 min at LRH, the percentage of converted LRH was 16.7%. A statistically significant difference was found in the blood loss amount, LRH 74±106 ml vs ORH 159±96ml p≤0.05. The average length of postoperative hospitalization was 7.2 days for LRH, 8.1 days for ORH. The comprehensive complication index was 8.9 in laparoscopy, 17.8 in the conventional method.
Conclusion: The results at our workplace suggest that laparoscopic and open right hemicolectomy were equivalent at the time, in terms of the observed data. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore that most of the data suggest a benefit of laparoscopy over the conventional method.
Adenocarcinoma – laparoscopy – hemicolectomy − right colon
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