Transhepatic perforation of the gallbladder with massive intraperitoneal hemorrhage as a rare complication of acute cholecystitis
Ch. Mach; J. Moláček; T. Skalický; V. Třeška
Authors‘ workplace:
Chirurgická klinika, Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň a lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Plzni
Published in:
Rozhl. Chir., 2021, roč. 100, č. 12, s. 603-606.
Case Report
Introduction: Perforation of the gallbladder into the hepatic parenchyma with massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity is a very rare but life-threatening complication of acute cholecystitis. Initially, the clinical finding may not differ significantly from the normal course of acute cholecystitis, but later there is a significant deterioration associated with hemorrhagic shock. Monitoring of the patient’s clinical condition as well as radiological methods have a crucial role in early and accurate diagnosis.
Case report: We present the case of a 55-year-old patient who was admitted to our clinic with the clinical finding of acute cholecystitis. During the third day of hospitalization, there was a significant deterioration in his clinical condition with circulatory instability. Computed tomography (CT) scans revealed massive hemoperitoneum with a large hematoma reaching into the liver parenchyma and the gallbladder bed. Based on this finding, the patient was indicated for urgent laparotomy. The perioperative finding confirmed intrahepatic perforation of the gallbladder with a stone collapsed into the hepatic parenchyma and secondary perforation of the hepatic capsule with massive bleeding into the abdominal cavity. The authors present an unusual complication of acute cholecystitis, its diagnosis and surgical solution.
Conclusion: Massive intraperitoneal bleeding associated with transhepatic perforation of the gallbladder is very rare, occurring only in single-digit percent of acute cholecystitis cases. It is essential to evaluate not only the clinical and laboratory findings, but above all to complete an appropriate imaging assessment. The timing of the assessment is crucial for proper preoperative diagnosis and for reducing the risks of urgent surgical treatment.
acute cholecystitis − subcapsular hematoma of the liver − hemoperitoneum − gallbladder perforation
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