Sebaceous carcinoma of the breast area − a case report

Authors: P. Jelínek 1,2;  M. Mitták 1,2;  O. Kubala 1,2;  D. Toman 1,2;  P. Vávra 1,2;  J. Žatecký 3 ;  V. Židlík 4;  J. Prokop 1,2
Authors‘ workplace: Chirurgická klinika Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava, Ostrava 1;  Katedra chirurgických oborů, Lekářská fakulta Ostravské univerzity, Ostrava 2;  Chirurgické oddělení, Slezská nemocnice Opava 3;  Ústav patologie Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava, Ostrava 4
Published in: Rozhl. Chir., 2021, roč. 100, č. 4, s. 198-201.
Category: Case Report
doi: https://doi.org/10.33699/PIS.2021.100.4.


Introduction: Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare malignant tumor of the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous carcinoma occurs mainly in the head and neck region, rarely in trunk. 

Case report: We present a case report of 63-year-old patient, operated on for sebaceous carcinoma in the right breast area. The patient underwent radical surgery, removal of the tumor with the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the large pectoral muscle. The patient is in good clinical condition eight months after the surgery. She is being constantly monitored and so far, there are neither signs of local recurrence nor tumor progression. 

Conclusion: Patients with rare tumors should be treated comprehensively with subsequent lifelong dispensarisation in specialized centers. Multidisciplinary medical teams are able to eruditely diagnose, recognize, treat and dispense patients.


sebaceous carcinoma – breast sebaceous carcinoma

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