Evaluating the Quality of Life of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury

Authors: M. Ležovič;  Z. Holosova;  M. Mucska
Authors‘ workplace: Fakulta verejného zdravotníctva SZU v Bratislave dekan doc. MUDr. Š. Moricová, Ph. D., MPH
Published in: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 20, 2013, No. 4, pp. 204-210.
Category: Original Papers


The article concentrates on evaluation of the quality of life in patients with spinal cord injury. The authors set to investigate the way the patients with spinal cord injury feel and evaluate the quality of life, which aspects of the quality of life influence the subjective perception of general quality of their life, and which aspects of the quality of life particularly influence their satisfaction with their own health. The authors addressed the patients of the National Rehabilitation Center (NRC) in Kováčová in June 2012, who had been subject to injury more than a year ago. The questionnaire method was employed using a shortened version with 26 items of the standardized WHOQOL–BREF questionnaire of the quality of life The cohort encompassed 64 patients with spinal cord injury. The analysis of the research results revealed that most patients evaluated the quality of life at a good level and satisfaction was felt as of medium degree in relation to the time period from the injury and diagnosis. The authors suggest that a similar research could be made at a larger scale in order to get results which would give a more relevant answer for the quality of life of physically handicapped individuals, the elaboration of a method algorithm for provision of medical care, for creation of legislative conditions for removing the barriers, the space for higher self-sufficiency and placement into working life, for job-related, sport, cultural-social and outside interests/hobby activities in individual regions of Slovakia.

quality of life, management, patient with spine cord injury, health satisfaction, WHOQOL–BREF questionnaire


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine

Article was published in

Rehabilitation & Physical Medicine

Issue 4

2013 Issue 4
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