Possibilities of Hippotherapy for Child Patients with Cerebral Palsy
K. Čapková 1; D. Pavlů 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum hiporehabilitace Mirákl, o. p. s., Kralupy nad Vltavou
1; Katedra fyzioterapie UK FTVS, Praha
vedoucí katedry doc. PaedDr. D. Pavlů, CSc.
Published in:
Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 23, 2016, No. 2, pp. 114-118.
Original Papers
In the following presentation, we will show different possibilities of using hippotherapy for treating children with cerebral palsy. The main emphasis is laid on a unified methodological approach, which has been created based on many years of practical experience, including verification of effectiveness during active practice combined with the use of therapeutic approaches from around the world. The presented approach has also been created due to the absence of a comprehensive education in the hippotherapy field and also for the purpose of creating a standardized approach among today's many highly variable ones. The methodology is strictly separated into two principles of horseback functionality, that of rimotor stimulation and differentiation. It operates with variable and non-variable factors, which ensures the treatment of one of the principles according to the needs of the client. These presented approaches expand the possibilities of physiotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of cerebral palsy and offers wider possibilities for complex treatment of these children.
hippotherapy, cerebral palsy, physiotherapy, rimotor stimulation, differentiation
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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicineArticle was published in
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