Application of Manual Lympho-drainage in Oncology

Authors: E. Musilová 1;  Z. Opálená 2
Authors place of work: Fakulta telesnej výchovy a športu, katedra športovej kinantropológie, Komenského univerzita v Bratislave 1;  Fyziatricko - rehabilitačné oddelenie, NOU, Bratislava 2
Published in the journal: Rehabil. fyz. Lék., 26, 2019, No. 1, pp. 28-31.
Category: Original Papers


Breast cancer in the most frequent malignant tumor in women and it is the most frequent cause of malignancy-related death in women. The world occurrence increases and affect eve younger age groups of women. Surgery accompanied by chemotherapy and radiotherapy in a standard treatment. The often complication observed after removing regional axillary lymphatic nodes is the development of secondary lymphedema of the upper extremity and adjacent quadrants, which can be influenced by a complex physiotherapy and compressive treatment. Reduction of lymphedema limits progression of the disease, improves the quality of life and psychic state of the women. In spite of that breast cancer belongs to diseases with serious social, economic and medical consequences.


mammary cancer – secondary lymphedema – Physiotherapy – complex compressive treatment


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Physiotherapist, university degree Rehabilitation Sports medicine

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Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine

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