Utilizing of MEMS sensors in rehabilitation process

Authors: Ján Karchňák;  Dušan Šimšík;  Daniel Siman;  Marcel More
Authors place of work: Department of Automation, control and human-machine interaction, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Košice
Published in the journal: Lékař a technika - Clinician and Technology No. 4, 2013, 43, 28-31
Category: Original research


The potential for utilizing of MEMS sensors, especially of accelerometers and gyroscopes is significant. They are used not only in consumer’s electronics, but also in so called wearable sensors that can be worn on body or in part of garment without interrupting comfort of person who is wearing these sensors. In the same time, we are able to collect data about person carrying the device. This paper focuses on analysis of current state of utilizing of MEMS sensors in rehabilitation process or in motion analysis.

MEMS, wearable sensors, motion analysis


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