Pavel Dráč
Authors‘ workplace:
Department of Traumatology, University Hospital Olomouc
; Traumatologické oddělení FN Olomouc
Published in:
Úraz chir. 14., 2006, č.4
The aim of the study was to compare the outcome in 22 patients with the scaphoid fracture type A2, B1 or B2 treated by osteosynthesis using limited dorsal approach and in 33 patients treated by a shortarm thumb cast. We found one nonunion of the surgically treated scaphoid fracture and nine nonunions in the group of the conservatively treated patients. The patients sucessfully treated by limited dorsal surgical approach showed a more favourable functional outcome at the time of reexamination after a minimum followup of 12 months. The results showed a significantly better range of motion and a lower failure rate in the surgically treated patients.
Based on these results, this method can be recommended for the treatment of the abovementioned scaphoid fracture types.
Key words:
Scaphoid fracture, limited dorsal surgical approach, conservative treatment, functional outcome.
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Trauma Surgery

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