The Arthroscopic Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Using Semitendinosus Tendon with Endobutton Position – Evaluation 5 Years after the Surgery
Radim Kalina; Radomír Holibka; Miroslav Pach
Authors‘ workplace:
Department of Ortopaedic Surgery, Faculty Hospital and Medicine Faculty of the Palacky University Olomouc
; Klinika ortopedické chirurgie FN Olomouc
Published in:
Úraz chir. 14., 2006, č.4
Purpose of the study:
Results of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using hamstrings with Endobutton position were evaluated 5 years after surgery and compared to results of other operating techniques.
313 reconstructions of the anterior cruciate ligament using Endobutton position were performed from 1. 1. 2000 to 31. 12. 2000. 74 patients arrived for checkup 5 years after the surgery.
Objective parameters recomended in the IKDC 2000 (International Knee Documentation Committee) examination form were evaluated in the set of patients. Measurement of the thigh circumference in the operated and nonoperated extremity was added to the objective evaluation. For subjective evaluation, we used the IKDC 2000 subjective examination form, the Lysholm score and the Tegner activity score.
Based on the IKDC objective form results of the group of 74 patients, 5 years after the surgery, 31 % of the patients were placed in group A (normal function), 54 % of patients in group B (nearly normal function) and 15 % of patients in group C (slightly abnormal function). Group D (very abnormal function ) was not represented. The Lysholm score was 83,53 +9,06, on average. The average value of the IKDC subjective evaluation was 85,62+10,11 points. According to the Tegner activity score, 27 % of patients returned to the same activity level as prior to injury, in 53 % of patients the activity level was 1 degree lower, in 14 % of patients 2 degrees lower and in 1 % of patients 3 degrees lower than prior to injury. An increase in activity level was not reported.
The evaluation of the investigated group documented satisfactory results of ACL reconstruction with Endobutton position five years after the surgery, which are comparable to published results and to the results of other operating techniques.
Key words:
arthroscopy, anterior cruciate ligament, m. semitendinosus, Endobutton position.
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Trauma Surgery

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