Functional results after treatment of radial head fractures
Jozef Masár; Mária Stránska
Authors‘ workplace:
Department of orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, Jessenius faculty of medicine, Comenius university and Martin faculty Hospital, Martin, Slovakia
; Ortopedicko – traumatologická klinika JLF UK a MFN Martin
Published in:
Úraz chir. 16., 2008, č.1
Purpose of the study:
The authors present results of therapy in 30 patients with 31 fractures of radial head, with surgical intervention carried out between 2001 and 2005. The options of the treatment in both simple and combined fractures are analysed, indications for conservative therapy or surgical intervention and modes of surgery are discussed.
They evaluated 30 pacients with 31 radial head fractures. This group included 16 women and 14 men. Average age of women was 48 years (17-74 years), of men 42 years (21-71 years). Average follow-up was 29 months.
The type of fractures, trauma origin and mechanism, as well as various osteofixation methods are described. In the above-mentione cases also the trauma – surgery interval (7.1 days on average) was monitored. The eavaluation of results was performed by Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS).
Excellent results were achieved in 18 elbow fractures (58 %), good results in 8 (25,8 %) and satisfactory results in 5 cases (16,2 %). Poor results were not observed. Only in 3 patients deliberation of the elbow was necessery, after an interval of 7-12 months. This intervention led to a MEPS improvement of up to 60 to 80 pts.
Suggesting a universally optimal therapy model is impossible. Comparing the results of different approaches the authors gained similar results. The authors prefer a proactive approach in therapy, which allows a shortening of the fixation period as well as an early start of functional therapy. Further research will concentrate on the follow-up of this patients group, especially with a view to development of posttraumatic arthrosis.
Key words:
radial head fractures, surgical therapy, functional results, Mayo elbow performance score.
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