Actual Chemotherapeutical Possibilities in Hormone-refractory Prostate Cancer (HRPC) Patients
prof. Prezioso Domenico; Md; Galasso Raffaele; Md; Iapicca Gennaro; Md; Martino Mario; Md; prof. Iacono Fabrizio; Md
Authors‘ workplace:
Department of Urology, Frederico II University, Neapol, Itálie
Published in:
Urol List 2007; 5(4): 39-47
Androgen deprivation therapy still remains the gold standard in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, unfortunately, patients with metatstatic prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapy frequently ultimately develop androgen-indipendent prostate cancer. The progression of metastatic androgen-resistant prostate cancer constitutes a significant threat of morbidity and mortality. Cytotoxic chemotherapy has not been used routinely and the current standard regimens have yet to demonstrate any significant alteration in the natural history of hormone-refractory disease, the major benefits of chemotherapy being only palliative. Recently, phase 3 randomized clinical trials have suggested that docetaxel-based therapy, demonstrating a real increase of survival treated patients, could represent the new standard of care for metastatic patients. There is also promising activity of new drug combinations, such as taxanes plus vinca alkaloids, and of classic chemotherapeutic agents plus biological drugs. This article focuses on current therapies for the treatment of HRPC and clinical outcome.
Key words:
chemotherapy, cytotoxic chemotherapy, hormone refractory prostate cancer, advanced prostate cancer, review
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