Technical pearls of retroperitoneal laparoendoscopic single site nephrectomy
S-C J. Chueh; S.-D. Chung; Y.-C. Tsai
Authors‘ workplace:
Cleveland Clinic Urology Charleston Office
Published in:
Urol List 2012; 10(2): 31-37
Laparoendoscopic single site surgery (LESS) is an advanced form of laparoscopic surgery that allows for the performance of major urologic procedures via just a single small incision. Most published series utilized transperitoneal approach. Kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal space. Nephrectomy via the retroperitoneoscopic approach carries certain advantages: no violation of the peritoneal cavity and the intraperitoneal organs, avoiding existing intra-abdominal adhesions, and more direct access to the renal artery, and upper pole, etc. We had performed series of successful retroperitoneal LESS nephrectomy, and have had proved its feasibility and safety. In this article we will demonstrate our step-by-step approach of retroperitoneal LESS nephrectomy, and discuss its tips, tricks, and limitations. Contraindications to this approach include severely inflamed and fibrotic xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis, and large renal tumors with venous tumor thrombi or tumors located anteriorly abutting the parietal peritoneum.
Key words:
laparoscopy, laparoendoscopic single site surgery, triangulation, nephrectomy, trans-peritoneal, retroperitoneum
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Urological Journal

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