Translating Basic Science to Clinical Care
W. Severinghaus John
Působiště autorů:
Professor of Anesthesiology Emeritus, University of California San Francisco, USA
Vyšlo v časopise:
Anest. intenziv. Med., 21, 2010, č. 2, s. 70-76
Anesteziologie - Speciální článek
1. Severinghaus, J. W. Electrophrenic respirator; description of a portable all-electronic apparatus. Anesthesiology, 1951, 12, p. 123–128.
2. Severinghaus, J. W. The rate of uptake of nitrous oxide in man. J. Clin. Invest., 1954, 33, p. 1183–1189.
3. Severinghaus, J. W. The Telecor: An esophageal probe monitoring device. Anesthesiology, 1957, 18, p. 145–149.
4. Severinghaus, J. W., Stupfel, M., Bradley, A. F. Accuracy of blood pH and PCO2 determinations. J. Appl. Physiol., 1956, 9, p. 189–196.
5. Severinghaus, J. W. Effect of temperature on PCO2 and PO2 of blood in vitro. J. Appl. Physiol., 1956, 9, p. 201–204.
6. Stow, R. W., Randall, B. F. Electrical measurements of the PCO2 of blood (Abstract). Am. J. Physiol., 1954, 179, p. 678.
7. Stow, R. W., Baer, R. F., Randall, B. F. Rapid measurement of the tension of carbon dioxide in blood. Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil., 1957, 38, p. 646–650.
8. Heyrovsky, J. Trends in Polarography. Science, 1960, 132, p. 123–130.
9. Clark, L. C. Jr, Wolf, R., Granger, D., Taylor, Z. Continuous recording of blood oxygen tensions by polarography. J. Appl. Physiol., 1953, 6, p. 189–193.
10. Severinghaus, J. W., Bradley, A. F. Electrodes for blood PO2 and PCO2 determination. J. Appl. Physiol., 1958, 13, p. 515–520.
11. Mitchell, R. A., Loeschcke, H. H., Massion, W. H., Severinghaus, J. W. Respiratory responses mediated through superficial chemosensitive areas on the medulla. J. Appl. Physiol., 1963, 18, p. 523–533.
12. Severinghaus, J. W., Mitchell, R. A., Richardson, B. W., Singer, M. M. Respiratory control at high altitude suggesting active transport regulation of CSF pH. J. Appl. Physiol., 1963, 18, p. 1155–1166.
13. Severinghaus, J. W., Chiodi, H., Eger, E. I., Brandstater, B., Hornbein, T. F. Cerebral blood flow in man at high altitude. Circ. Res., 1966, 19, p. 274–282.
14. Severinghaus, J. W., Bainton, C. R., Carcelen, A. Respiratory insensitivity to hypoxia in chronically hypoxic man. Respir. Physiol., 1966, 1, p. 308–334.
15. Sørensen, S. C., Severinghaus, J. W. Irreversible respiratory insensitivity to acute hypoxia in man born at high altitude. J. Appl. Physiol., 1968, 25, p. 217–220.
16. Severinghaus, J. W., Lassen, N. Step hypocapnia to separate arterial from tissue PCO2 in the regulation of cerebral blood flow. Circ. Res., 1967, 20, p. 272–278.
17. Severinghaus, J. W. Blood gas calculator. J. Appl. Physiol., 1966, 21, p. 1108–1116.
18. Severinghaus, J. W. Simple, accurate equations for human blood O2 dissociation computations. J. Appl. Physiol., 1979, 46, p. 599–602.
19. Astrup, P., Severinghaus, J. W. The History of Blood Gases, Acids and Bases. Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1986.
20. Severinghaus, J. W., Astrup, P. B. History of blood gas analysis. Int. Anesthesiol. Clin., 1987, 25, p. 1–224.
21. Severinghaus, J. W. A combined transcutaneous PO2-PCO2 electrode with electrochemical HCO3 – stabilization. J. Appl. Physiol., 1981, 51, p. 1027–1032.
22. Ozanne, G. M., Young, W. G., Mazzei, W. J., Severinghaus, J. W. Multipatient anesthetic mass spectrometry: rapid analysis of data stored in long catheters. Anesthesiology, 1981, 55, p. 62–70.
23. Severinghaus, J. W., Naifeh, K. H., Koh, S. O. Errors in 14 pulse oximeters during profound hypoxia. J. Clin. Monit., 1989, 5, p. 72–81.
24. Severinghaus, J. W. Gadgeteering for Health Care: The John W. Severinghaus Lecture on Translational Science. Anesthesiology, 2009, 110, 4, p. 721–728.
Anestéziológia a resuscitácia Intenzívna medicínaČlánok vyšiel v časopise
Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína

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