Is There Evidence of Poorer Birth Outcomes for Mothers and Babies When the Most Senior Obstetrician Is Not On Site?
In this Perspective on the study by Hannah Knight and colleagues, Jenny Myers and Edward Johnstone consider the implications of negative findings in a variable setting in which adverse events are rare.
Vyšlo v časopise:
Is There Evidence of Poorer Birth Outcomes for Mothers and Babies When the Most Senior Obstetrician Is Not On Site?. PLoS Med 13(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002001
In this Perspective on the study by Hannah Knight and colleagues, Jenny Myers and Edward Johnstone consider the implications of negative findings in a variable setting in which adverse events are rare.
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6. RCOG RCM, RCA, RCPCH. Safer Childbirth: Minimum standards for the organisation and delivery of care in labour. London; 2007.
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