Customised and Noncustomised Birth Weight Centiles and Prediction of Stillbirth and Infant Mortality and Morbidity: A Cohort Study of 979,912 Term Singleton Pregnancies in Scotland
In an analysis of 979,912 term singleton pregnancies, Stamatina Iliodromiti and colleagues compare using customised and noncustomised birth weight centiles for prediction of stillbirth and infant mortality and morbidity.
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Customised and Noncustomised Birth Weight Centiles and Prediction of Stillbirth and Infant Mortality and Morbidity: A Cohort Study of 979,912 Term Singleton Pregnancies in Scotland. PLoS Med 14(1): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002228
Research Article
In an analysis of 979,912 term singleton pregnancies, Stamatina Iliodromiti and colleagues compare using customised and noncustomised birth weight centiles for prediction of stillbirth and infant mortality and morbidity.
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