Losartan – more than blood pressure decrease

Authors: J. Špinar;  J. Vítovec
Published in the journal: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2006, 8(3): 115-120
Category: Editorial


Losartan is a long acting AT1 receptor blocker, which is widely used in the United States and Europe including Czech Republic. Its effectivity was proved in heart failure (ELITE II), after myocardial infarction (OPTIMAAL), in diabetic nephropathy (RENAAL), but especially in hypertension (LIFE). The treatment with losartan, when compared with atenolol led to a similar blood pressure fall, but with a greater effect on stroke, new diabetes mellitus or left ventricle regression in the LIFE trial. New data from this trial show, that the treatment with losartan was also accompanied with a lower incidence of atrial fibrillation, better control of known atrial fibrillation, improvement in insulin sensitivity, lower incidence of microalbuminuria and many other positive results.

Key words:
losartan, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, insulin sensitivity, nephropathy, atrial fibrillation


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