Remote monitoring of implantable pacemakers and cardioverters-defibrillators

Authors: J. Lipoldová;  M. Novák
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2006, 8(3): 129-139
Category: Editorial


Necessity of remote monitoring of implantable devices emerged with early pacemakers development, firstly for unreliability of pacing systems. First transtelephonic transmission of pacing rate was introduced in late sixties and widely used in seventies of 20th century. Next motivation for telemedicine progress was hardware and software boom of pacing techniques, development of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Modern generation of pacemakers and defibrillators is able to sense intracardiac signals (IEGM) with high sensitivity, to analyze these signals, store data in real time and perform automatic documentation. System of remote monitoring with no need of receiver compliance were developed for better comfort of patients. New generation of remote monitoring uses GSM data transmission. We compare contemporary possibilities of telemetric surveillance of pacemakers and defibrillators of 4 manufacturers.

transtelephonic transmission – Telkostim – GSM transmission – wireless transmission – Biotronik Home Monitoring – CardioMessenger – CardioReport – Medtronic CareLink – Conexus Wireless Telemetry – Guidant Latitude – St. Jude Medical HouseCall plus


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