Osteoporosis dia­gnosis and treatment

Authors: I. Kučerová
Authors place of work: Osteocentrum, Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.  s.
Published in the journal: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2014, 16(5): 402-409
Category: Internal Medicine


Osteoporosis is a progressive systemic skeletal disease, characterised by loss of bone mass and disorder of bone microarchitecture. Consequently, the bone is prone to fractures. About 30% of women and 20% of men will suffer from an osteoporotic fracture in their lifespan. Over the last few decades, a rise in the osteoporotic complications has been observed. The disease has become an important medical, social and economic burden. With increasing life expectancy, the number of vertebral body fractures and also proximal femoral bone and other non‑vertebral fractures has been growing. Osteoporotic fractures worsen the quality of life, increase the need for hospitalisation and even mortality. The first treatment goal is to decrease the risk of first fracture as part of primary prevention and provide treatment to patients who have already suffered their first low trauma fracture, using secondary prevention methods to avoid repeated fractures. The most useful antiresorptive drugs are bisphosphonates. They are stored in bones and reduce the risk of fracture by 40 to 60 percent. Another very potent antiresorptive drug with a different mode of action is denosumab. Another therapeutic option is the osteoanabolic treatment, with a significant benefit for patients with serious forms of the disease. The article presents an overview of dia­gnostic and therapeutic possibilities.

osteoporosis –  dia­gnostics of osteoporosis –  primary and secondary prevention of fractures


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