Cardiovascular rehabilitation for patients after surgical corrections of valve diseases and congenital heart diseases

Authors: Karel I.;  Skalická H.
Authors‘ workplace: Kardioambulance s. r. o.
Published in: Kardiol Rev Int Med 2020, 22(1): 21-23


Cardiovascular rehabilitation for patients after surgical corrections of valvular and congenital heart diseases does not have uniform Guidelines; the Guidelines for cardiovascular rehabilitation for patients after surgical revascularisation of the myocardium and the Guidelines for patients with chronic heart failure are used instead. Three prospective randomised trials and several smaller trials are the source of data on cardiovascular rehabilitation for patients after surgery for valvular and congenital heart diseases. The results of these trials reveal the beneficial effects of this rehabilitation, especially in the early stages up to four months after the surgery. If the rehabilitation is applied only after longer time periods, the difference between the results of patients who have and those who have not undergone it becomes unclear.


Quality of life – cardiovascular rehabilitation – valve diseases – congenital heart diseases – cardio-surgery – load tolerance


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Paediatric cardiology Internal medicine Cardiac surgery Cardiology
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