Electrical Stimulation of the Suprahyoid Muscles in Post Stroke Patients with Dysphagia
P. Konečný 1–4; M. Elfmark 2; M. Rosolová 1; P. Bastlová 2; I. Lerchová 2; A. Můčková 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Rehabilitace NMB Brno a CLR nemocnice SMN Prostějov
1; Ústav fyzioterapie, FZV UP v Olomouci
2; Katedra fyzioterapie a rehabilitace, LF MU, Brno
3; Neurologická klinika LF UP a FN Olomouc
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2017; 80/113(5): 578-581
Original Paper
Dysphagia is a risk for complications (an aspiration and a malnutrition) and therefore it is necessary to treat it. The aim of the study was to assess the changes of swallowing in patients after stroke with dysphagia after four weeks of orofacial rehabilitation with or without electrostimulation of the suprahyoid muscles.
A prospective study of patients in the early phase post stroke with dysphagia was done from 1/2015 to 12/2016. In the experimental group of 54 patients (26 men, average age 70 years) was performed electrostimulation of the suprahyoid muscles 20 min a day, 5 days per week. In the control group of 54 patients (31 men, average age 69 years) was performed the standard orofacial rehabilitation without electrostimulation. Dysphagia was assessed at the beginning and in the end of orofacial therapy using clinical tests: The Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS) and Functional oral intake scale (FOIS).
The difference of the change in score between the GUSS experimental group (mean 5.77 ± 0.45; median 6) and the control group (mean 4.03 ± 0.57; median 4) was statistically significant (p = 0.0198). The difference of change in the FOIS test between the experimental group (mean 1.87 ± 0.22; median 2) and the control group (mean 1.01 ± 0.31; median 1) was statistically significant (p = 0.0013).
Electrical stimulation of the suprahyoid muscles improves swallowing in dysphagia patients post stroke.
Key words:
stroke – dysphagia – electrical stimulation – suprahyoid muscles
The authors declare they have no potential conflicts of interest concerning drugs, products, or services used in the study.
The Editorial Board declares that the manuscript met the ICMJE “uniform requirements” for biomedical papers.
Chinese summary - 摘要
在2015年1月至2016年12月期间,对伴有吞咽障碍的中风早期患者进行了前瞻性研究。 在54名患者(26名男性,平均年龄70岁)的实验组中,实施每周5天,每天20分钟的舌骨肌电刺激治疗。在对照组54例患者(男31例,平均年龄69岁)中,进行标准口面康复治疗,无电刺激。在口面康复治疗开始和结束时,使用临床测试(Gugging吞咽屏幕(GUSS)和功能口服摄入量表(FOIS))评估患者的吞咽障碍情况。
GUSS实验组(均值5.77±0.45;中位数6)和对照组(均值4.03±0.57;中位数4)之间的得分变化具有显著性差异(p=0.0198)。实验组(均值1.87±0.22;中位数2)与对照组(均值1.01±0.31;中位数1)相比,FOIS检验变化的差异具有统计学显著性(p = 0.0013)。
中风 - 吞咽障碍 - 电刺激 - 舌骨肌
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