Cognitive-motor interference after stroke
I. Hereitová 1; A. Krobot 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Neurologická klinika, LF UP a FN Olomouc
1; Rehabilitační oddělení, FN Olomouc
Published in:
Cesk Slov Neurol N 2020; 83/116(5): 520-525
Review Article
Aim: The basis of the paradigm of cognitive-motor interference is the belonging of executive and motor functions. The conditions of a normal day lead to the need to perform several tasks simultaneously. Optimal functional adjustment after stroke should be effective in a combination of cognitive and movement training. The basic idea of the neurorehabilitation approach is primarily seen in the potentiation of neuroplasticity. However, so far, no obvious benefit of cognitive-motor interference has been demonstrated due to the relatively small amount of available data. The aim of the systematic review was to demonstrate the effect of cognitive-motor interference on the improvement of gait and postural stability in patients after stroke.
Methods: First, we formulated a review question and specified criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of primary studies into a systematic review. We created a systematic search strategy and a three-step systematic search of published and unpublished primary studies in six databases. We searched for experimental and observational studies in the range from January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2019 in the English language only.
Results: We found a total of 58 studies and removed 20 duplicates. Based on a two-phase evaluation of the relevance and critical evaluation of the methodological quality of the studies using the standardized evaluation tool Standard Quality Assessment Criteria for Evaluating a Primary Research Paper, 5 meta-analyses and randomized controlled trials were included.
Conclusion: Cognitive-motor interference training brings benefits in locomotor and postural strategies in patients after stroke. However, current research has also shown a significant variability in the use of cognitive tasks.
stroke – cognitive-motor interference – dual-task training
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