Pre-Formulation Studies of a Potential Local Anaesthetic from the Group of Phenylcarbamic Acid Derivatives
V rámci predformulačných štúdií derivátov kyseliny fenylkarbámovej s lokálne anestetickým účinkom sa študovalo potenciálne liečivo IV (dalej len PLO s chemickým názvom N-[2-(2-etylfenylkarbamoyloxy)-etyl]-piperidíniumchlorid. Hodnotil sa vplyv viacsýtnych alkohoov - glycerolu, propylénglykolu, sorbitolu a ich koncentrácie 5; 10; 15 a 20 váh. % na hodnoty rozdelovacieho koeficientu v sústave n-oktanoUvoda, povrchového napátia a viskozity roztokov potenciálneho liečiva IV. Optimálnou pomocnou látkou sa javí glycerol o koncentrátu 15-20 váh. %, nakolko štatisticky významne neovplyvnili hodnoty rozdelovacieho koeficientu a povrchového napátia roztokov potenciálneho liečiva IV.
Klíčová slova:
rozdelovací koeficient - povrchové napátie - viskozita - N-[2-(2-etylfenylkarbamoyloxy)-etyl]-piperidíniumchlorid
I. Procházka
Authors‘ workplace:
Lékarna Plus, Praha
Published in:
Čes. slov. Farm., 2002; , 99-101
Within pre-formulation studies of phenylcarbamic acid derivatives with local anaesthetic effects, potential drog IV with the chemical name N-(2-(2-ethylphenylcarbamoyloxy)-ethyl)-piperidiniumchloride was examined. The study evaluated the effect of polyhydric alcohols - glycerol, propylene glycol, sorbitol and their concentrations of 5; 10; 15, and 20 wt % on the values of the partition coefficient in the system n-octanoUwater, surface tension, and viskozity of the solutions of potential drog IV. The optimal auxiliary substance seems to be glycerol of a concentration of 15-20 wt %, as it does not affect the values of the partition coefficient and surface tension of potential drog IV solutions in a statistically significant manner.
Key words:
partition coefficient - surface tension - viskozity - N-(2-(2-ethylphenylcarbamoyloxy)-ethyl)-piperidiniumchloride
Pharmacy Clinical pharmacologyArticle was published in
Czech and Slovak Pharmacy
2002 Issue 2
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