Medicinal preparations in Czech pharmacies at the end of the 17th century

Authors: P. Drábek
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2010; 59, 87-94
Category: History of Pharmacy


The 17th century saw marked changes in pharmacotherapy. New preparations and new dosage forms (e.g. tinctures, elixirs and essences) were introduced. At the same time, some hitherto used preparations and dosage forms began to disappear (e.g. sief for the preparation of ophthalmic drops or the so-called condita). According to the Prague tariff list of 1699, the total number of medicinal preparations was increased to one thousand one hundred and fifty kinds, including several local specialities. In this period, the distinguished Prague physician S. A. Tudecius in his books recommended other preparations, many of which were later included into dispensatoria. The above-mentioned Prague tariff list was written in three languages, i.e. Latin, Czech and German, but the included Czech terminology is imperfect.

Key words:
Prague pharmaceutical tariff list – baroque pharmaceutical technology – Czech pharmaceutical terminology – Tudecius S. A. – Löw z Erlsfeldu J. F.


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