Comparison of sanguinarine production in suspension cultures of the Papaveraceae plants

Authors: František Bilka;  Andrea Balážová;  Andrea Bilková;  Ivana Holková
Published in: Čes. slov. Farm., 2012; 61, 267-270
Category: Original Articles

Článok venujeme našej učiteľke a kolegyni doc. RNDr. Márii Benešovej, CSc., k jej životnému jubileu.


Intact plants of the Papaveraceae family are producers of a whole range of benzylisoquinoline alkaloids, which are used in pharmaceutical industry. In vitro cultures derived from plants of the Papaveraceae do not have the ability to produce such a broad spectrum of alkaloids, only the biosynthetic pathway leading to sanguinarine is active. This study deals with the preparation of in vitro cultures of Papaver somniferum, Eschscholtzia californica, Chelidonium majus and Macleaya cordata. Their sanguinarine production abilities were tested and compared. The lowest amounts of sanguinarine from all cultures tested were accumulated in suspension cultures of the opium poppy (0.45–0.55 μg in 1 g of fresh weight). Eschscholtzia californica, Chelidonium majus and Macleaya cordata cultures produced similar amounts of sanguinarine (18.0–22.7 μg; 20.5–26.3 μg; 15.4–20.3 μg in 1 g of fresh weight, resp.). The elicitation study used a biotic stressor, Botrytis cinerea hydrolysate. In all cultures treated, an increase in sanguinarine accumulation was observed. Of all cultures tested, the most intensive response was observed in the opium poppy cultures, although the amount of sanguinarine in the elicited poppy cultures was lower than in the non-elicited samples of the other cultures.

Key words:
Papaver somniferum • Eschscholtzia californica • Chelidonium majus • Macleaya cordata • suspension cultures • elicitation • sanguinarine

Received 25 October 2012 / Accepted 17 November 2012


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology

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Czech and Slovak Pharmacy

Issue 6

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