A view on providing care in the field of medicines in Slovakia – the pharmacist and the patient

Authors: Daniela Mináriková;  Ivona Malovecká;  Viliam Foltán;  Ľubica Lehocká;  Miroslava Snopková
Authors place of work: Bratislava, Slovenská republika ;  Katedra organizácie a riadenia farmácie UK
Published in the journal: Čes. slov. Farm., 2013; 62, 276-284
Category: Original Articles


The paper deals with the evaluation of care provided in a public pharmacy in terms of achieving patient / customer satisfaction. Expectations and opinions of patients are also confronted with the assumptions of pharmacists. Up to 82% of patients confirmed their satisfaction with the care given to them by the pharmacist. A key factor of patient satisfaction has proved particularly professional and human approach of pharmacist. 73.6% of patients in the survey accepted pharmacist as an expert on drugs. Pharmacist self-evaluation was more negative. Monitoring and evaluation of patient satisfaction with care delivered in the pharmacy is essential for the improvement of the quality of the health system and the implementation of pharmaceutical care focussed on the patient. The real application of pharmaceutical care in the practice currently lacks the necessary conditions and support.

pharmaceutical care, patient satisfaction, public pharmacy, pharmacist


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Pharmacy Clinical pharmacology
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