The Roma Population and Selected Aspects of Dental Care (Original Article – Epidemiologic Study)
P. Karásková; A. Kajanová
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav sociálních a sociálně pedagogických věd ZSF JU, České Budějovice
Published in:
Česká stomatologie / Praktické zubní lékařství, ročník 117, 2017, 1, s. 8-12
Original articles
Aim of study:
The article discusses the topic of dental care for Roma patients. It reflects the absence of data in this area. Literature points out the generally deteriorated health condition of the Roma minority, primarily affected by unsuitable social environment, but also by some cultural characteristics.
Material and methods:
The article presents the data from the research implemented by questionnaire investigation made among dentists in České Budějovice who have Roma patients (n = 37) in their records, as well as among Roma inhabitants over 15 years in the same town (n = 237). The data were statistically processed in SPSS Program.
The results showed low lever of registration of Roma patients, as well as low interest in registering. Employed persons and women register themselves more often. The registered patients usually are more aware of the risks related to insufficient care for their teeth and seek less often the dental emergency services. They also have information about the treatment they are entitled to. Unregistered Roma seek information within their family and in the media. The dentists pointed out low level of preventive visits of Roma patients, who usually go to the dentist only when they have acute pain, and the generally low interest in care for teeth in this target group.
The study also showed some potential misunderstandings – for example the Roma patients‘ fear that the dentist won‘t want to register them. A solution may consist in cooperation with a social or health and social worker who would constitute a communication bridge among the dentist and the Roma patient and who also could implement preventive activities in field.
dental care – Roma minority – preventive activities – information on available care
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