Mosaic Form of Trisomy 2 in a Miscarriage
Mozaiková forma trizómie 2 u potrateného plodu
V súbore 1657 analyzovaných potratených plodov za roky 1992 - 1998 bolo 999 úspešne kultivovaných. V 7prípadoch (0,7 %) bola diagnostikovaná trizómia chromozómu 2, z toho raz v mozaikovej forme.Autori uvádzajú kazuistiku 34-ročnej pacientky, u ktorej bola indikovaná amniocentéza pre vysoké hladinyalfa-1-fetoproteinu (AFP) v sére matky (400 IU/l). Pre nemerateľne zvýšené hodnoty AFP v plodovej vodea vývojové chyby miechy a brušnej steny zistené USG vyšetrením, napriek nálezu normálneho karyotypu v bun-kách plodovej vody, bola gravidita predčasne ukončená. Patologicko-anatomické vyšetrenie potvrdilo početnémalformácie plodu.Postmortálnou chromozómovou analýzou bola zistená mozaiková forma trizómie 2 (46,XX/47,XX,+2) (78 % :22 %).
Klíčová slova:
samovoľný potrat, mozaiková forma trizómie chromozómu 2, vrodené vývojové chyby
J. Vojtaššák 1; M. Ďuríková 1; T. Braxatorisová 1; E. Pagáčová 1; V. Geislerová 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav lekárskej biológie LFUK, Bratislava
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2000; (8): 515-517.
From 1657 specimens of analyzed aborted foetuses during 1992 - 1998, in 7 of 999 successfully cultivatedspecimens (0.7%) trisomy of chromosome 2 was detected. In one of 7 cases it was the mosaic form. The authorspresent a case - report of a 34-year old woman with indicated amniocentesis because of high serum alpha-foeto-protein levels. In spite of the normal karyotype of the foetus revealed by PGD, pregnancy was terminated becauseof the high amniotic fluid alpha-foetoprotein levels and developmental defects detec ted by ultrasound. Autopsyrevealed thoracogastroschisis with protrusion of viscera and ectopia cordis, aplasia of the left diaphragm, agenesisof the left kidney, uterus unicornis with hypoplasia of the left adnexum, meningomyelocele in the sacral area,hypoplasia of the left lower extremity and a short umbilical cord with aplasia of one of umbilical arteries. Thepost-mortem chromosomal analysis of the cultivated embryonal fibroblasts revealed a mosaic with two cell lines46,XX/47,XX,+2 (78% : 22%).The objective of the paper was to report a rare cytogenetic finding in a severely malformed foetus and to stressthe necessity of post-mortem verification of the karyotype established on cultivated amniocytes in all cases of foetalmalformations.
Key words:
miscarriage, mosaic form of chromosome 2 trisomy, developmental defects
Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics
2000 Issue 8
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