Paediatric Prevention in Chronic Kidney Diseases
M. Šašinka 1; Ľ. Podracká 2
Authors‘ workplace:
Katedra pediatrie Slovenskej zdravotníckej univerzity, Bratislava
vedúca doc. MUDr. K. Furková, CSc., mim. prof.
1; I. Klinika detí a dorastu LF UPJŠ, Košice
prednostka prof. MUDr. Ľ. Podracká, CSc.
Published in:
Čes-slov Pediat 2008; 63 (10): 580-586.
The number of chronic kidney diseases (CKD) imminently increases and the open challenge for paediatric nephrologists and primary paediatrician is active screening of the risk factors and effective prevention in these patients. Besides anaemia and disturbances of calcium and phosphorus children with CKD are susceptible for infections, have disturbances of lipids and glycaemia associated with high cardiovascular risk and higher incidence of tumours. In the prevention of the infections is effective vaccination (against influenza, pneumococcus, hepatitis B and in patients with high risk hepatitis A, too), to take care of the skin, the prevention of the oral cavity infections (stomatitis, gingivitis, dents caries), screening of tuberculosis and early effective therapy of hepatitis C. Obligatory part of the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in CKD is management of dyslipidaemia with target LDL level <2.6 mmol/l. If patient has also diabetes is target LDL level <1.8 mmol/l. In the prevention of tumours is important repeated USG screening of the urogenital tract. Complex preventive measures are in tables; their application can substantially improve life quality and long-term surviving in children with CKD.
Key words:
chronic kidney diseases (CKD), immunodeficiency, influenza, hepatitis A, B, C, dyslipidaemia, tumours of uropoetic tract, screening, prevention
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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescentsArticle was published in
Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

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