Some Aspects of Children Mortality in Eastern Slovakia

Authors: M. Kuchta 1;  J. Kovaľ 2;  I. Reváková 2;  J. Tuchyňová 1;  A. Čuríková 2;  E. Bálintová 1
Authors‘ workplace: II. klinika detí a dorastu LF UPJŠ a DFN, Košice vedúci doc. MUDr. M. Kuchta, CSc., mim. prof. 1;  Klinika pediatrie, FNsP J. A. Reimana, Prešov vedúci MUDr. J. Kovaľ, PhD. 2
Published in: Čes-slov Pediat 2008; 63 (10): 535-541.
Category: Original Papers


Analyses of children and especially suckling mortality (SM) belong to important tools for observation of health care of the youngest population, to follow factors influencing SM in addition to public health, accepted measures for the improvement and acknowledging this kind of information to central organizations and institutions.

To analyze factors most significantly influencing SM based on the results of standardized mortality indices in children in the Košice and Prešov region in 2007. Also, to evaluate retrospectively mortality trends in the Eastern Slovakia Region and to compare them with the results of Czech Republic and European Union.

Absolute values of children mortality in the Eastern Slovakia region (administrative affiliation to the area of Košice and Prešov) were obtained on the basis of official accounts acknowledged by county professionals from the given area for 2007 according to standards of the Ministry of Health of Slovak Republic. Subsequently the authors evaluated the trends and compared the data with those of the Czech Republic and European Union.

Indices of SM in the region proved to display oscillating and non-decreasing trend. SM proved to be 8.1 ‰ for general Slovak population, 15.65 ‰ for the Roma ethnic population and 4.15 ‰ for the Slovak population without the Roma ethnic. The values in the Czech Republic proved to be half of that. There are significant differences among the counties of the region. The results of SM are significantly influenced by social factors and low level of health consciousness.

The solution of specific problems in Eastern Slovakia requires a complex approach of several government departments and inevitable investment.

Key words:
suckling mortality, trends, Slovakia, Roma ethnic


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Neonatology Paediatrics General practitioner for children and adolescents

Article was published in

Czech-Slovak Pediatrics

Issue 10

2008 Issue 10
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