Intensive glycemic compensation and prevention of chronic diabetic complications

Authors: Vladimír Uličiansky
Authors place of work: Via medica, s. r. o., Košice
Published in the journal: Diab Obez 2019; 19(38): 121-126
Category: Clinical studies


Intensive glycemic compensation reduces risk of microvascular complications in type 1 and type 2 diabetics. Pharmacological treatment should be effective from the beginning, with the aimed dose titration and with gradual long-term reaching of individual target of HbA1c. The ADVANCE study (therapy in intensive arm based on the original gliclazide MR) showed, that target levels of HbA1c can be reached in effective and safe manner. Non-significant decrease of macrovascular complications in intensive arms of ADVANCE, ACCORD and VADT studies reflects multifactorial etiology of these complications. To prevent cardiovascular complications multifactorial approach is necessary, on the present gliclazide MR is preferred SU derivative by Slovak guidelines.


ACCORD study – ADVANCE study – DCCT study – gliclazide MR – intensive glycemic compensation – UKPDS study – VADT study

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