Primary extragonadal germ cell tumours in men - analysis of patients treated from 1994 to 2008 in a single institution.
T. Büchler; M. Foldyna; J. Nepomucká; M. Kupec; Z. Donátová; P. Kubánková; E. Voršilková; D. Kordíková; J. Mendelová; J. Abrahámová
Authors‘ workplace:
Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice a 1. lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Praha
; Primář: Prof. MUDr. Jitka Abrahámová, DrSc.
; Onkologické oddělení
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2008; 88(10): 578-581
Of different specialties
Patients with extragonadal germ cell tumours have poor prognosis because of the relative chemoresistance of these tumours and often advanced stage with multiple organ dissemination at diagnosis. The optimal treatment strategy for extragonadal germ cell tumours is unclear. We have retrospectively analysed 19 men with germ cell tumours originating in the mediastinum or the retroperitoneum. Median overall survival of our patients was 25.9 months. Seven of the 19 patients (37 %) are alive, including 2 who are still undergoing treatment and 5 (26 %) who are alive and free of disease. Our results imply that, despite worse prognosis of these patients as compared to the outcome in patients with a testicular primary, long-term disease-free survival is possible even if complete remission is not achieved by first-line treatment.
Key words:
extragonadal, germ cell, tumour, chemotherapy.
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