Will the “Mexican” (swine) flu cause a pandemic?
J. Havlík
Authors‘ workplace:
Přednostka: doc. MUDr. Vilma Marešová, CSc.
; I. Infekční klinika 2. LF UK
; FN na Bulovce, Praha
; Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2009; 89(5): 237-239
Of different specialties
Almost every year in the winter months an increased number of viral respiratory infections is observed and an epidemic of seasonal flu occurs at the same time. Once in 10, or even up 40 years, flu breaks out at any time of the year, caused by a new virus that has not been in the population for many years. The influenza vaccine used is therefore inefficacious and the disease spreads throughout the world. A few years ago, there was a concern, that A(H5N1) virus responsible for a disastrous panzootic in poultry, might mutate and lead to a pandemic in humans. This did not happen, however anti-pandemic plans were prepared.
In mid-April 2009, severe cases of flu caused by an unknown virus A(H1N1) were reported in several places in Mexico. In a few weeks this infection spread to more than 30 countries all over the world and contact infections in humans appeared. Implementation of an anti-pandemic plan prevented a mass outbreak of this infection. The next few months will show whether this „mexican“ or „swine“ flu will develop into a new pandemic.
Key words:
seasonal flu, pandemic, avian flu, mexican (swine) flu, antipandemic plan.
Literatura u autora
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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