Antiaggregation and gastroprotective drugs

Authors: M. Janotka;  V. Zdráhalová;  P. Neužil
Authors place of work: Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha ;  Kardiologické oddělení ;  Primář: doc. MUDr. Petr Neužil, CSc., FESC. ;  Kardiovaskulární centrum
Published in the journal: Prakt. Lék. 2010; 90(11): 640-645
Category: Reviews


The introduction of this review focuses on the indication of gastroprotective therapy for patients taking antiaggregation and anticoagulation drugs. The review goes on to discuss the clinical results of the drug interaction with this combined therapy. In daily clinical practice physicians indicate gastroprotective therapy mainly intuitively. The Czech gastroenterological society, and Czech and European cardiology societies, do not provide clear guidelines for these indications. In 2008 the American Heart Association and American society of Gastroenterology released recommendations by a consensus of experts for the possibility of reducing the increased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding that occurs with non-steroids and antiaggregation therapy.

Key words:
antiaggregation therapy, NSAID, proton pump inhibitors.


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