Methods of measuring limb oedema volume: a literature review
K. Ratislavová 1; V. Resl 1; M. Leba 2; Kateřina Janoušková 1
Authors‘ workplace:
Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
; Fakulta zdravotnických studií Děkan: Ing. Jan Beránek, MBA
1; Fakulta aplikovaných věd Děkan: doc. Ing. Miloš Železný, Ph. D.
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2024; 104(1): 30-35
Of different specialties
Oedema is a common symptom of many diseases and its continuous static and dynamic measurement and monitoring is essential for practice. The disappearance or increase in swelling may indicate the success or failure of treatment. The aim of our literature review is to a) identify currently available methods for measuring limb oedema volume, b) obtain information on their validity and reliability. A systematic search for studies was performed to identify relevant sources. Twenty studies describing methods for measuring upper or lower limb oedema volume were included in the review. The most commonly described methods in the studies were tape measurements, water volumetry or perimeter measurements, which are considered the "gold standard". Therefore, these methods were often used to test the validity and reliability of new methods of measuring limb oedema volume, which mainly included three-dimensional imaging and bioimpedance spectroscopy. Technological advances have brought new possibilities and methods in the measurement of limb edema volume, but their efficacy and accuracy are still under validation.
review – methods – limb oedema – volume measurement
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adresa pro korespondenci:
PhDr. Kristina Janoušková, Ph.D.
Fakulta zdravotnických studií ZČU
Husova 11, 301 00 Plzeň
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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