Snus – the new and former support agent: for how long?
J. Novák
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedoucí: doc. MUDr. Aleš Kroužecký, Ph. D.
; Lékařská fakulta v Plzni
; Ústav sportovní medicíny a aktivního zdraví
; Univerzita Karlova v Praze
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2024; 104(1): 3-13
Classic snus is a pouch filled with moistened tobacco that the user puts in his mouth, usually between his upper lip and gum. The main ingredient in snus in today’s products is special moist, high-quality, sliced tobacco. In addition to tobacco, snus contains various food flavors and salts that envelop its flavor and extend its durability. Snusing is one way to ingest nicotine without exposing the user to the risk of side effects from other substances that occur when smoking combusted tobacco. The amount of nicotine ingested by cigarette smokers and snusers is about the same. However, depending on the amount of snus used, its "strength" and the length of time the snus stays in the mouth, a snus user can absorb significantly more nicotine than a cigarette smoker. Snus consumption is also quite common among athletes, even at the level of top athletes and Olympians. A psychoactive substance such as nicotine increases alertness, improves coordination, and favorably affects cognitive performance. If a positive effect on athletic performance was proven, it can be assumed that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) would intervene and include snus among prohibited substances or procedures. Currently, snus is part of WADA’s surveillance program. Snus products not only from Scandinavia are commonly available on the Czech market. Nicotine pouches are an alternative. They no longer contain tobacco, but they do contain the active ingredient nicotine. After several years of hesitation, an amendment to Act No. 65/2017 Coll. on Health Protection against the Harmful Effects of Addictive Substances, which includes a ban on the sale of nicotine pouches to children and youth under 18 years of age, came into force. Due to the serious health risks, there is still a need to warn against any form of consumption of tobacco or nicotine products.
snus – snusing – tobacco pouches – nicotine pouches – WADA – athletes and snusing
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adresa pro korespondenci:
MUDr. Jaroslav Novák, Ph.D.
Ústav sportovní medicíny a aktivního zdraví LF UK
Lidická 6, 301 00 Plzeň e-mail:
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