Non-pharmacological treatment procedures used in patients suffering from dementia
I. Ondriová; T. Fertaľová; L. Hadašová
Authors‘ workplace:
Vedúca: PhDr. Terézia Fertaľová, Ph. D.
; Dekanka: doc. PhDr. Štefánia Andraščíková, Ph. D., MPH
; Katedra ošetrovateľstva
; Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
Published in:
Prakt. Lék. 2024; 104(1): 17-21
Of different specialties
Dementia is a serious neurodegenerative disease that leads to a decline in some neuronal populations. As a result, higher cognitive functions are affected, such as memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, counting, learning, speech, and judgment. Appropriate medical and nursing care using various strategies can, to a certain extent, compensate for the affected cognitive functions and maintain the quality of life of the patient with this disease. Dementia therapy is based on two interacting pillars – non-pharmacological procedures and pharmacotherapy.
cognitive functions – dementia – Alzheimer‘s disease – compensation of cognitive functions
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adresa pre korešpondenciu:
PhDr. Iveta Ondriová, Ph.D.
Fakulta zdravotníckych odborov PU
Partizánska 1, 080 01 Prešov, SR
General practitioner for children and adolescents General practitioner for adultsArticle was published in
General Practitioner

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