Palliative care at post-acute care facilities
A. Konopáčová
Published in:
Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2017, 6, č. 2: 83-86
Review Article
The article is focused on the specifics of palliative care at post-acute care facilities. A short summary is provided of the basic terms of palliative care. The patient and his family should participate in the decision of making a palliative care plan. The presented case study shows difficulties of palliative care in a patient with terminal geriatric deterioration syndrome and the necessity of care continuity.
palliative care – stages of incurable disease – palliative care plan – previously expressed wish – terminal geriatric deterioration syndrome
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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prostheticsArticle was published in
Geriatrics and Gerontology
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