A Pilot Study of the Mini-Cog Czech version in Czech Adults

Authors: Bezdíček Ondřej 1,2,3*;  Havlík Filip 1,2*;  Bezdíčková Ludmila 4;  Oberfalzerová Kateřina 2;  Růžička Evžen 1
Authors‘ workplace: Neurologická klinika a Centrum klinických neurověd 1. LF UK a VFN Praha 1;  Pražská vysoká škola psychosociálních studií, Praha 2;  Katedra psychologie, Filozofická fakulta UK, Praha 3;  Katedra všeobecného praktického lékařství IPVZ, Praha 4
Published in: Geriatrie a Gerontologie 2022, 11, č. 4: 165-170
Category: Original Article


Objective: We performed a pilot study of the Mini-Cog Czech version to obtain statistical information for empirically derived diagnostic decision-making in patients with possible neurodegenerative diseases.

Introduction: Between 2022 and 2050, the prevalence of dementia in the Czech Republic as a neurobehavioral correlate of neurodegeneration will dramatically increase as based on epidemiological data. According to Czech Society of General Practice in Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně (SVL ČLS JEP) guidelines, The Mini-Cog, a rapid screening test for dementia, is the recommended cognitive scale for general practitioners in primary clinical care for screening patients of higher age.

Methods: Healthy participants who fulfilled the inclusion criteria (N = 46), mean age 59,7 (SD = 8,9), underwent a brief cognitive screening with the Mini-Cog and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in counterbalanced order.

Results: Mean Mini-Cog performance (range 0–5) was 4,3 ± 1,0 points and in the MMSE (range 0–30) was 29,4 ± 0,9 points. After transformation of the Mini-Cog raw score to percentiles, a raw score of 2/5 is equal to the 2nd percentile (significantly below average). Based on the equi-percentile transformation a raw score of 2/5 in the Mini-Cog is equal to 26 or 27 points in the MMSE, which is a traditional cut-off for mild cognitive impairment. Mini-Cog raw scores from 3 to 5 are within average.

Conclusion: The data from the current study enable general practitioners to make empirically derived diagnostic decision-making in patients with possible neurodegenerative diseases in primary clinical care.


Epidemiology – MMSE – Mini-Cog – brief dementia screens


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Geriatrics General practitioner for adults Orthopaedic prosthetics

Article was published in

Geriatrics and Gerontology

Issue 4

2022 Issue 4
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