Metabolic surgery
M. Fried
Authors‘ workplace:
Centrum pro léčbu obezity a metabolických poruch OB kliniky a 1. lékařské fakulty UK Praha, přednosta prof. MU Dr. Martin Fried, CSc.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2010; 56(10): 1065-1068
Obesity 2010
In the beginning of the 21st century obesity still represents health, social and economical threat for most of economically wealthy countries worldwide. Estimated direct costs for obesity and related comorbidities treatment exceed 5% of the total health care spendings both in the US and in European Union. However, in addition there are obesity related indirect costs linked to more frequent work sickness leave, higher unemployment rates and owerall lower productivity of obese patients. Surgical treatment of obesity (bariatric surgery) is the most effective long‑term treatment modality to those suffering from higher degrees of obesity. Bariatric surgery has not only positive effect on weight loss, but is also extremely effective in improving or resolving many of obesity‑related comorbidities. T2DM may serve as excellent example of metabolic, obesity‑related comorbidity which can be treated with bariaric- metabolic procedure even without direct relation to weight loss. In such cases bariatric surgery evolves into metabolic surgery. Thus metabolic operations (namely from the malabsorptive end) deeply influence hormonal secretion especially in the proximal part of small bowel, change parametres of entero‑insular axis and have positive influence on insulin secretion, sensitivity and on the entire complex of glucose tolerance. Nowadays we can witness dramatic changes in perceprion of T2DM from bariatric surgeons, diabetologists, and many other medical specialists. T2DM evolved from primarily medical disease into a conditin where surgeon may play much more active role in the management of diabetic patient. However it has to be stressed, that metabolic treatment of T2DM and other metabolic disorders neccessitates multi‑disciplinary approach and collaboration and that surgeon should play very important role as a multidisciplinary team member, however metabolic surgery should not be sees as standing alone treatment modality.
Key words:
bariatric surgery – metabolic surgery – incretins – type 2 diabetes mellitus – obesity – metabolic disorders
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2010 Issue 10
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