Obesity prevention
D. Müllerová
Authors‘ workplace:
Ústav hygieny Lékařské fakulty UK Plzeň, přednostka doc. MU Dr. Dana Müllerová, Ph. D.
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2010; 56(10): 1098-1102
Obesity 2010
Obesity is chronic disease, with increased prevalence since sixties of last century, now widespread as well in developing countries, not only in developed countries, like on the beginning. Obesity with its co- morbidities reduces longitude and quality of life. Treatment and indirect costs of obesity are rising and economically demanding. At present time there are not sufficient data supporting effectiveness of specific community preventive intervention. Interventional activity being in progress are based on active mobilization of citizens to active life style, with healthy diet and increased physical activity, with effort to build up anti‑obese physical environment, helpful to making healthy choice much easier. Results of so far conducted preventive interventions are biased by the fact, that implemented strategies are limited not only to target population, but as well widespread to control population. Their effects could be probably expected in future, like it happened in the most successful the North Karelia project preventing cardiovascular mortality. There is given description of possible preventive strategies fighting obesity in the Czech Republic as well.
Key words:
obesity – primary, secondary, tertiary prevention – community programmes
1. WHO European Ministerial Conference counteracting Obesity, Istanbul 2006. Available from: www.euro.who.int/ document/ E89567.pdf.
2. White paper on a Strategy for Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity related health issues 2007. Available from: http:/ / ec.europa.eu/ health/ ph_determinants/ life_style/ nutrition/ documents/ nutrition_wp_en.pdf.
3. EU platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Available from: http:/ / ec.europa.eu/ health/ ph_determinants/ life_style/ nutrition/ platform/ docs/ platform_charter.pdf.
4. CEHAPE (Children’s Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe). Available from: http:/ / www.euro.who.int/ __data/ assets/ pdf_file/ 0006/ 78639/ E83338.pdf.
5. DETERMINE (An European Consortium on Socio – economic Determinants of Health). Available from: www.health‑ inequalities.eu.
6. DIOGENES (Targeting the obesity problem: seeking new insights and routes to prevention). Available from: http:/ / www.diogenes‑ eu.org .
7. EPODE EUROPEAN NETWORK (Together let’s prevent childhood obesity). Available from: www.epode‑ european‑ network.com.
8. EURO‑ PREVOB (Consortium for theprevention of obesity through effectivenutrition and physical activity actions). Available from: http:/ / prevob.lshtm.ac.uk/EURO‑ PREVOB%20Fact%20sheet%20Nov%2009.pdf.
9. HELENA (Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescents). Available from: http:/ / www.helenastudy.com/ .
10. HEALTH PLUS (Improving knowledge and Decision Support for Healthy Lifestyles). Available from: http:/ / www.health‑ plus.eu/ .
11. HOPE (Health Promotion through Obesity Prevention across Europe) www.hopeproject.eu IDEFIC (Identification and Prevention of Dietary‑ and lifestyle‑induced health Effects In Children and InfantsSafe Foods. Available from: http:/ / www.ideficsstudy.eu/ Idefics .
12. Puska P, Tuomilehto J, Salonen J et al. The North Karelia Project: Evaluation of a comprehensive community program for control of cardiovascular diseases in 1972– 1977 in North Karelia, Finland. Monograph. WHO/ EURO, Copenhagen 1981.
13. Svačina S, Matoulek M, Horák P et al. Monitoring nadváhy a obezity v ČR. Kampaň Žít zdravě 2008. STEM/ MARK a.s., Všeobecné zdravotní pojišťovny.
14. Kunešová M, Vignerová J, Šteflová A et al. Overweight and obesity in Czech children and adolescents – association with parental obesity and socioeconomical factors. J Publ Health 2007; 15 163– 170.
15. Müllerová D et al. Obezita – prevence a léčba. Praha: Mladá fronta 2009.
Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2010 Issue 10
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