Spirometry – basic examination of the lung function
Jana Kociánová
Authors‘ workplace:
Plicní oddělení, MephaCentrum, a. s., Ostrava Poruba
Published in:
Vnitř Lék 2017; 63(11): 889-894
Spirometry is one of the basic internal examination methods, similarly as e.g. blood pressure measurement or ECG recording. It is used to detect or assess the extent of ventilatory disorders. Indications include respiratory symptoms or laboratory anomalies, smoking, inhalation risks and more. Its performance and evaluation should be among the basic skills of pulmonologists, internists, alergologists, pediatricians and sports physicians. The results essentially influence the correct diagnosing and treatment method. Therefore spirometry must be performed under standardized conditions and accurately and clearly assessed to enable answering clinical questions.
Key words:
acceptability – calibration – contraindication – evaluation – indication – parameters – spirometry – standardization
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Diabetology Endocrinology Internal medicineArticle was published in
Internal Medicine

2017 Issue 11
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