Islet transplantation for treatment of type-1 diabetes mellitus
František Saudek; Peter Girman; Jan Kříž; Zuzana Berková; Klára Zacharovová; Tomáš Koblas; Lenka Pektorová; Ema Vávrová; Martina Mindlová; David Habart; Jan Peregrin; Květoslav Lipár; Martin Oliverius; Eva Dovolilová; Evžena Číhalová; Vít Bobek
Authors‘ workplace:
Institut klinické a experimentální medicíny Praha, Klinika diabetologie, Centrum diabetologie
Published in:
Čas. Lék. čes. 2011; 150: 49-55
Original Article
Organ pancreas transplantation represents the only method enabling long-term normalization of glucose metabolism in type-1 diabetic subjects so far. Unfortunately, surgical complications of this kind of therapy are still frequent. As a safer alternative, transplantation of isolated pancreatic islets was introduced at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine as a clinical experiment in the year 2005.
Methods and results:
We isolated the islets from pancreases of cadaveric donors which did not fulfil criteria to perform organ pancreas transplantation. Altogether, 36 islet implantations were performed in 28 C-peptide negative subjects suffering from type-1 diabetes by August 2010. In 15 subjects (21 implantations) the main indication was extremely instable course of diabetes due to the hypoglycaemia unawareness syndrome. In 5 and 3 cases, combined islet and kidney and islet and liver transplants were performed, respectively. In addition, islet autotransplantation was performed in 5 subjects undergoing total pancreatectomy. No patient died during the study period. In all but 1 patient with primary islet afunction, islet transplantation led to a complete cure of the hypoglycemia unawareness syndrome. Out of 15 patients, 11 subjects in this group showed a significant C-peptide production (> 0.2 pmol/ml) after 1year. The mean insulin dose after allotransplantation decreased from 37 to 14 units per day and in 3 subjects, insulin therapy could be withdrawn. Serious technical complications occurred in 6 subjects, which only in 2 cases required surgical revision and did not cause long-term sequels.
In comparison with organ pancreas transplantation, pancreatic islet transplantation represents a substantially safer method for restitution of endogenous insulin production. Though it eliminates serious hypoglycemic episodes in labile diabetes, complete insulin withdrawal is still often not possible. However, due to continuing progress in the laboratory techniques as well as in the transplant procedure itself, the results are steadily improving.
Key words:
type 1 diabetes mellitus, transplantation, islets of Langerhans, pancreas, insulin, immunosuppressive therapy, diabetic complications
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