Modern trends in radiotherapy

Authors: Pavel Šlampa
Authors place of work: Klinika radiační onkologie MOÚ a LF MU, Brno
Published in the journal: Čas. Lék. čes. 2020; 159: 261-267
Category: Review Article


Radiotherapy is a dynamically developing field of cancer treatment. Advances in radiotherapy are significantly related to new knowledge in radiobiology, the introduction of new systems in radiodiagnostics and radiation therapy planning. The technical development of irradiation systems over the last 10 years has greatly improved the quality of radiation therapy. The constant aim of modern radiation therapy is to minimize the toxicity of radiotherapy while maintaining the therapeutic effect. With the development of radiotherapy, however, the issue of so-called financial toxicity of various radiation techniques and disproportionate increase in treatment spending, regardless of cost-effectiveness.


radiotherapy – Radiosurgery – brachytherapy – modern techniques

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